InMarket | Real-Time Marketing and Measurement


DISCOVER what matters and turn real-world insights into real-time consumer action.

The InMarket Analytics platform is powered by

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Petabytes of data

inmarket analytics

InMarket has spent over 14 years building our industry-leading, 360-degree consumer intelligence and real-time activation platform. This unique offering enables brands to turn insights into action with a growing suite of productized analytics solutions.

The InMarket Difference

Actionable & Real-Time
brand, market & competitive intelligence

Scaled Commerce Data
across $3.2T in retail sales and $269B item-level purchases

10+ Years Experience
as an industry-leading consumer intelligence platform

analytics suite

Our Analytics suite empowers you to make smarter decisions and optimize investments based on the consumer behaviors of today and their actions of tomorrow.

Built upon the foundation of our unique and scaled location, purchase, and intent data, these insights are packaged to address a brand’s key market challenges and uncover strategic growth opportunities, including:

Consumer Insights

Discover opportunities with unique consumer characteristics & traits

Market Insights

Uncover new territory expansion and growth markets

Retail Media Insights

Unlock the full picture of RMN investments across ALL retailers

Purchase Insights

Reveal brand preferences, loyalty, and purchase cycles

Location Insights

Activate upon the behaviors of active, lapsed, lost, and low usage segments

Custom Insights

Tailor and analyze a custom set of insights based on your specific needs

case studies