InMarket | Real-Time Marketing and Measurement

PSA Advertising Push

As we speak, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, by day in the United States continues to grow at a rapid pace.  With cases doubling every three days in hotspots like New York, getting a handle on reducing the spread of COVID-19 is paramount.  As of early April 95% of Americans are under Stay at Home orders and the U.S. now leads the world in confirmed COVID-19 cases, surpassing both China and Italy. It seems we have more to do in terms of educating and building awareness to help stop the spread. That’s where InMarket comes in. Starting this week we’ve launched a four week digital advertising effort to help flatten the curve and spread the word on how we can all do our part in containing COVID-19.  This virus education PSA effort will include tens of millions of impressions, hyper targeting a broad range of at-risk and adjacent at-risk individuals where we can have the biggest impact with our messaging. That includes the hardest hit states and cities including New York, California, Washington, Louisiana and more.

Number of confirmed U.S. Coronavirus cases, by days since 100th case

The PSA Campaign:

We’ve created a series of PSA announcements focused on building awareness and disseminating critical information to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic.  Creative executions include:


InMarket will start with a 4 week PSA ad buy including tens of millions of impressions hyper targeting at-risk and adjacent at-risk individuals.  The campaign will leverage geofencing around assisted living and elderly homes, block groups that over index for at-risk age brackets, caretakers and geo buys in hot spots including critical states like New York, California and Washington.  The campaign will be optimized for reach/frequency and clicks, with further analysis to understand demographics as well as to compare and contrast effectiveness of engagement based on messaging. Our goal will be to reach at least 1M unique individuals across these critical targets with a frequency of up to 5 messages per week.

How You Can Help

If you want to join our effort including gaining access to the creative at no charge email us at