InMarket | Real-Time Marketing and Measurement


Nicole LoRusso,
PR Manager

June 10, 2024

Our latest "Employee Spotlight" features a Q&A with Nicole LoRusso, PR Manager at InMarket.

As an PR Manager here at InMarket, Nicole LoRusso works to build InMarket’s visibility in the digital marketing industry and assists with the thought leadership programs for the executive team and sales leaders. Nicole joined the team in July 2023 and is currently based in New Jersey.

Get to know this InMarket Peep

How did you decide to pursue a career in marketing?

Nicole LoRusso: I’ve always loved working in fast-paced industries that are constantly evolving and innovating, so I naturally fell into the marketing track while I was in college. The added challenges of working in a fast-paced industry really excites me and keeps me not only engaged, but excited about going to work everyday. When I made the shift from entertainment to tech PR on the agency side, I found myself gravitating towards the advertising clients and projects that would allow me to dive into different facets of the industry and learn more about the tech and trends fueling the campaigns we all know and love.

What’s your favorite memory from working at InMarket?

NL: All of our events stand out, especially the Q3 Retreat in Orlando. I had met a bunch of NYC folks at a few coworking days and happy hours, but that was the first time I got to meet the whole team in person and it was fantastic. Shoutout to Mackenzie, Kaitlyn, and Nicole (aka the Events Team) for doing such an incredible job with the retreat.

What do you love most about working at InMarket?

NL: The people. You’ll likely hear this a lot, but it’s true. It’s such a pleasure to work with such driven, dedicated, intelligent and kind coworkers. I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of this special group of Peeps.

What advice have you shared with folks just starting out at InMarket?

NL: My biggest piece of advice is always to ask all the questions you can, and try to meet as many people as possible. I’ve already learned so much from getting to know people across the team. Everyone is beyond willing to help and answer any question big or small. From my first day here, so many people reached out to make sure I felt welcomed, which meant so much to me. I also recommend taking advantage of the incredible programs InMarket has to meet new people across the team like our Donut Chats or Celebrator Club events.

Tell us about a professional success that you're proud of.

NL: It’s always exciting to see our insights or the perspective of our incredible thought leaders featured in the news. There’s an indescribable feeling of excitement and pride that comes from getting to share that coverage with the team to show how their efforts and knowledge are being valued and seen by the industry.

Where do you go to learn something new about the industry?

NL: When it comes to keeping up with industry trends, it’s critical to constantly have a pulse on the news. I read the Wall Street Journal and New York Times every morning along with trades in our key verticals to make sure I know what’s going on in both the business and tech spheres as well as marketing. Signing up for a ton of newsletters and daily digests has been a game changer as well for making sure I don’t miss anything when the day starts to pick up.

Looking ahead to 2024, what is a marketing trend you’re most excited about?

NL: I’m really excited about the emergence of new immersive creatives because they truly open up a world of possibilities for brands big and small to connect with customers in new ways.

Do you have any hobbies you'd like to share with our readers?

NL: I love to cook! Every Sunday, I try new recipes to make dinner for my family. I get a ton of inspiration from creators and chefs on TikTok. Playing the piano is another huge outlet for me outside of work. I learned how to play when I was five years old and it’s something I’ve kept up with since. (You name a Taylor Swift song, odds are I can play it 🙂 )

What are some fun facts about yourself that not many people at InMarket know?

NL: One fun fact about myself is that I was in the first graduating class of my high school, Trinity Hall, in New Jersey. It’s wild to see how much the school has grown since I’ve graduated and the community they’ve been able to cultivate over the past 10 years. It was the first all-girls school in my county and it’s focused on empowering women to succeed in STEM careers and leadership, which is something I’m very passionate about. Another fun fact is that when I was 7-years-old, I performed at an international music festival in Shanghai and represented the United States at the festival. I was very young, but I still remember the thrill of being on stage and meeting musicians from around the world.

Do you have a favorite app on your phone?

NL: Besides my all-time favorite TikTok, I’ve become a huge fan of the app Beli, which allows you to rate restaurants and bookmark the ones you want to try. It’s pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I’ve noticed myself trying new places because I’m so excited to rate them in my app. Other users also post high res images and reviews, which makes it way easier to plan which dishes to try and figure out if a restaurant is actually worth the social media hype. For any foodies, I highly recommend downloading it.

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